
The body is completely controlled by the brain, spinal cord, and its vast network of nerves connecting to every organ and system throughout the body. When the spine or nervous system is not functioning at its peak, the overall performance and wellness of the human body suffers. With our holistic approach, skilled chiropractors, and dedication to see you heal, we are excited to offer comprehe... Read More

The body is completely controlled by the brain, spinal cord, and its vast network of nerves connecting to every organ and system throughout the body. When the spine or nervous system is not functioning at its peak, the overall performance and wellness of the human body suffers.

With our holistic approach, skilled chiropractors, and dedication to see you heal, we are excited to offer comprehensive services. Whether you simply need a massage and some nutritional advice or need physical therapy, or chiropractic adjustments, we're here to help you.

As a child I suffered from severe migraines which caused me nausea and to miss school . After years of doctors appointments, testing, and MRI’s, the only option they had was to put me on medication the rest of my life. My mom decided to have me try chiropractic. After just one adjustment, I never was sick from a headache again. Now, I rarely get them and can say chiropractic changed my life. I always knew I wanted to help people the same way it helped me.

In high school, softball and volleyball were my passion. After high school, I moved on to Bowling Green State University earning my bachelors in Science and majoring in Biology. While in undergrad, I worked as a Licensed Dual Optician and continued up until practicing chiropractic. For my love of softball, I played club softball through college. After undergrad, I moved on to Life University in Marietta, Ga for my Doctor of Chiropractic degree. Given my sports experience, I expected to go into sports chiropractic, however I found my passion for helping pregnant mothers and babies. I work with patients of all ages, active, and non active.

I practice many different techniques such as :diversified, Thompson, Webster (specific to pregnant moms), and Activator.

As a child I suffered from severe migraines which caused me nausea and to miss school . After yea... Read More

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Located at: 2012 August Drive, Ontario
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